In our culture we're used to outsourcing much of our children's education (schooling, tutoring, clubs, music lessons etc.) to other people. It's really easy to slip into the trap of treating our children's Christian discipleship in the same way - outsourcing it to Sunday school leaders and church youth clubs - particularly when life is busy or we feel we're not sure how to teach them.
But the Bible is really clear that the primary place for the discipleship of children is the home. That's something we find is stressed again and again in the book of Deuteronomy. Check out this passage, for example:
To help sort through the different options, we've surveyed a number of parents and church children's workers and asked them which resources they've found most helpful. As a result, we've put together this little booklet of our top recommendations:
Within the booklet you'll find a variety of resources (Bible reading notes, books, CDs & DVDs) for a wide variety of ages (0-18) - and information on where you can get hold of them cheapest! Why not check it out and share it with friends from other churches?